Freezing Services

in IVF or ICSI treatment sometimes is related to cryopreservation which is the process of freezing biological material at very low temperatures. At these extreme temperatures, all biological activities will be stopped or unchanged even time flies. In IVF/ICSI treatment, eggs / sperm / embryos are able to preserve after the process of collection. This mean cryopreservation is not only be useful for sustaining all biological material but also save the cost of treatment in case the patient need more baby or experience failure in the previous IVF/ICSI, they no need to start the process at the beginning step.
Why cryopreservation is become more popular
At the present, technology of cryopreservation is more interested by working age group when a late marriage is current trend and finally brings to infertility. Gamete or reproductive cells e.g. ova/egg cells (female gametes) and sperm (male gametes), preserved once the owner is in healthy reproductive age, the growth and quality of gamete will be sustained until the owner is ready for having family.
Advantage of Frozen Eggs / Frozen Sperm
Because of the qualification of freezing is storing living cells, they are unchangeable for centuries. Supposing that one woman decides to collect her oocytes (eggs) and keep those as frozen egg as of her 27 years old age for future using in 5 years next. Once she turns 32 years old, her eggs’ quality will be decreased by age and experience infertile problem. Luckily, she already had younger eggs quality at 27 years old, and then she decided to use her frozen eggs by IVF/ICSI process and transferred to her uterus.
Which is proper age for collecting eggs / sperm for freezing?
From medical research found that the women age between 20 – 30 years old is qualified reproductive age. If the women age is over 35, they are considered to be an advanced maternal age, once conceive comes risk for mom and baby such as birth detect (down syndrome), miscarriage, gestational diabetes and hypertension. While quantity, motility, and morphology of sperm will decline once men reproductive age become 32 years old.
Suggestion before going frozen eggs/ frozen sperm servic
- Undergoing for medical check-up e.g. AMH Blood test (female) and Sperm Analysis (Male)
- Exercising, Sleep well (6 – 8 hours per day), No smoking
- Avoiding foods or beverage that may decrease eggs quality or sperm quality e.g. alcohol drink, caffeine drink